目前分類:關於VEMMA (32)

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Know Your Website

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Activate Your Website

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Vemma®是一家家庭式運作並且採取家庭價值觀的公司,由 New Vision® 的創建者創建;母公司是一家擁有 10 年歷史的衛生健康行業卓越的領先企業,具有超過 10 億的零售總額和超過 100 萬的滿意客戶。 New Vision 是一家經營穩健、信譽良好的公司,在網路行銷行業擁有極高聲譽。總部設在亞利桑那州的 Scottsdale。公司還在亞利桑那州的 Tempe 設立了效率極高的分銷中心和經許可的藥物液體生產工廠。在這一行業中,第一年失敗的新公司超過 90%,五年內超過 98%。而今天,New Vision 正在慶祝成功盈利十周年。給人印象更深的是,New Vision 已經為成員支付了 4 億美元的傭金,並且從未延誤過版稅支票的支付或承諾。

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VEMMA™, A Ground Floor Opportunity

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Vemma blends the most recent science and nature's finest to form a complete and delicious once-a-day liquid supplement that provides you with everything you need and more to kick your health and energy levels into overdrive.

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Vemma™ gives you the leverage to take back your life!

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Mom, I Don't Feel Good...

These are the words every parent hates to hear, but if you're like most, guarding your children's health goes beyond just feeling well. You want your kids to have super-charged immune protection, critical brain development nutrients and specific ingredients designed for their growing bodies.

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A Boost Of Healthy Energy – On Demand!

In today's fast-paced world, we're juggling more tasks in less time than ever before.

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